Legal Notices
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- Terms and Conditions
Unibail Management SASU (Editor) : 7 Place du Chancelier Adenauer 75016 Paris SIRET 414 878 389 RCS Paris VAT Number FR49414878389 Tel: 33 1 53 437 437
Anne-Sophie Sancerre
Max-Urich-Straße 3,
13355 Berlin,
VAT Number : DE275148225
TMW Unlimited
These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions” govern the use of our Website and services provided by Unibail Management (hereinafter « Publisher ») via this Website.
Please note that Unibail Management may offer services which are not subject to these Terms and Conditions but to their own terms and conditions which will be duly provided to you where relevant (for example, Location Live services are governed by special terms and conditions).
1. Définitions
Documents: studies, reports, summaries carried out by Westfield Rise
Services: specific services provided on the Website like Location Live services
Website: the website available at the adress and all subdomains to promote the activities of Westfield Rise
Westfield Rise: media agency of the Group Unibail Rodamco Westfield
2. Copyright-Intellectual Property
This Website and the totality of its contents (notably, the photos, logos, trademarks and all manner of information contained within) are protected by copyright law and author’s rights.
The Publisher grants to all web users a simple right to look at this Website, yet prohibits the reuse, in whole or in part, of the contents of this Website, regardless of the reason. Authorization to reproduce content is restricted to digital reproduction on a computer for the purpose of viewing page content via a web browser.
All reproduction rights are reserved for all content, including rights for downloadable documents, logos, photos, and information of any kind.
Any Document that can be downloaded by web users directly on the Website is also protected under copyright law and by author’s rights and any reproduction and/or re-use other than for personal purposes is prohibited.
All the elements featured on the Website are protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code: in particular, the editorial elements featured on the Website, the presentation of the screens and the software required for operation, logos, images, photos and graphics of all kinds.
All total or partial reproduction or representation of this website by any person or company without express authorization of this Website’s Publisher is strictly forbidden and would be considered as infringement pursuant to articles L.335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Will as well be considered as infringement the total or partial extraction, use or representation of the data base of this website by any company without express authorization of this website’s Publisher, such data base being protected pursuant the prescriptions of the French Law dated July 1st, 1998, which implements the European directive dated March 11, 1996, concerning the data base legal protection.
3. Hypertext link
The creation of a hypertext link to the Website is permitted without frame, and exclusively to the home page, except with the express and previous consent of the Publisher. The Publisher cannot in any case be held responsible for information disseminated on websites to which our site has a hyperlink nor for any and all damages caused resulting from access to these sites. You are strongly advised to carry out necessary anti-virus measures and measures against any possible damages.
4. Use
All use of this Website or Documents which does not conform to the above points, except where mentioned as otherwise on the website or with express consent of the Publisher, is prohibited and the person concerned will be held responsible.
Furthermore, the use of information on this Website is the responsibility of the user. We cannot in any case, and regardless of the reason, be held responsible, regardless of the consequences. We are not responsible for any error, omission on the present Website and we reserve the right to modify, correct, and/or complete the content of this website at any moment, without notice.
By using the present Website the web user accepts – without reserve or conditions- the totality of the present conditions of use.
5. Access and/or dissemination restrictions
The access to the Website and/or to information and documentation contained in the website can be subject to legal restrictions or rules in certain countries. Consequently, those who access the website and/or the information and documentation contained in it, must previously inform themselves of such restrictions and conform to them.
6. Responsibility discharge
The Publisher accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of all or any part of the material available on this Website. The material available on this Website cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as it can be corrupted, lost, destroyed, delayed, incomplete, or contain viruses. The Publisher has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that material available on this Website does not contain a virus. However, the Publisher (and any of its Officers, Directors, Employees or Agents) cannot be held liable for damages resulting from or linked to the existence of a virus. You are strongly advised to carry out your own anti-virus checks before opening all files available on this Website.
You expressly acknowledge that (i) the Publisher cannot guarantee that the Services are error-free or free of virus, (ii) the connection to the Services implies the risks inherent to any connection and transmission on the Internet and mobile phone networks, in particular with respect to the data transfer speed, information query or consultation response time and technical performance, (iii) We have no control over third parties networks or websites you may access in the course of your use of the Services, (iv) We are not liable for any loss of data, failure to store, misdelivery or untimely delivery of any data or material through the Services, and (v) We disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including warranties of merchantable/satisfactory quality or fitness for purpose or need of the Content and the Services.
7. Links to other websites
This Website may contain links or references to other websites or companies not operated or controlled by the Publisher. The Terms and Conditions described here do not apply to those third parties.
Links or advertisements do not imply that the Publisher endorses of has reviewed such third parties or their privacy practices.
Web users expressly acknowledge that Publisher is not in any case responsible or liable for any information, content, products, services or material available on third-party websites or Internet sources, nor for any alleged or actual damages resulting from the access or use of such information, content, products, services or material available on third-party websites or Internet sources.
8. Privacy and protection of personal data
The Publisher asks the web users to provide certain personal data in order to (i) receive the Newsletters, (ii) receive specific documentations and/or (iii) contact us.
You will find further information on the processing of your personal data in Our Privacy Policy.
9.Severability / Entire agreement
If any portion of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed severable and the remaining portion shall remain in full force and effect.
These Terms and Conditions, together with any additional terms referenced in these Terms and Conditions, which are hereby incorporated by reference, contain the entire understanding and agreement between you and Us and supersede any and all prior or inconsistent understandings relating to the Services and your use of the Services. These Terms and Conditions cannot be changed or terminated orally. Any provision which must survive in order to allow us to enforce its meaning shall survive the termination of these Terms and Conditions.
10. Updates to Terms and Conditions
We may revise or update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. You will be informed of any changes to these Terms and Conditions by the means we deem is the most appropriate (email, notification, posting of the revised Terms and Conditions on the Service). The latest version of the applicable Terms and Conditions is the one published on the Website. If We make changes and if your consent is required in that respect according to applicable law, We will seek for your consent. To the extent permitted by applicable law, your continued access or use of the Services constitutes your acceptance to the revised or updated Terms and Conditions.
11. Suspension / Modification of the services
Please note that We will be entitled to modify/suspend any of the Services at any time, without any right to compensation or reimbursement for your benefit.
12. Applicable law and jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law. Any dispute arising from the use of the Website or the distribution of the information contained therein shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris, applying French law.